…by Neopiscean…
Now I sat the other day tryin to tek in life as it meets the eye…
But then some things occurred to me that made me think twice…
About the way the Babylon set the system and we just take it so without really understanding….
Let me elaborate…
1) I stepped into an office the other day to make an enquiry and was tempted to pull out my whip to crack at the clerk and say… “DOWN, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!…” after the lady snapped at me as if she was a hungry animal and I was a little piece of meat… I would usually run away, but the time had come… when my eyes opened to the truth and I just had to stand there as it dawned on me that whoever made desks was the epitome of genius…. Did you think the desks were made just so the clerks could sit there and look studious and organized?
NOOOO!!! The desks are designed for these clerks…
…to restrain them from jumping over and mauling you when you unfortunately happen to be addressing then when they feel they’ve had enough questions for the day… Lord help us when some of them get rabid… almost about to foam at the mouth and all these things… some of them make it seem like they’re the only ones having a bad day… bwoy…
Customer service my foot!!! They need to recycle these people or make them work shifts. When one gets miserable, send in the happy duplicate…
2) Now I cannot understand, for the life of me… the reason why some people do some things that won’t benefit them … why drink and drive? Why smoke the grass and get high?
…do college math?
Now how, on God’s green earth is algebra, dividing by polynomials or logs going to help me to…. 1) pick up grocery at the supermarket
2)take care of a child..
As I sat in my math tutorial trying not to fall asleep over the book ….and then fell asleep over the book, I was hit by a startling revelation which made me sit up straight in my seat… and it was not because the teacher suddenly made sense… it was not because I was impressed that the teacher was adding letters and getting numbers for the sums… it was not because the teacher, after 15 minutes had finally solved #17 which said : 

It was because it finally dawned on me… what math really was…
Mentally… Afflicted… Teachers… Harassing… Students…
I tell you… it’s a conspiracy… and u know what happens after we get harassed to know fart? And fail? We get to repeat this 4 CREDIT course… the four doesn’t mean how important the course is enuh…
It only means that because math is hard, quite a number of students might fail.. and then have to repeat… and pay a whack of money PER CREDIT to UTECH… man, UTECH is the boss…
3) The people in charge here are at the heights of con artistry…they mek one of the hardest subjects have the most credits. I believe they should, in the near future, offer a course on “How to be a Con Artist…” No one should leave here without understanding that Utech does not stand for the University of Technology… the people who run it only want us to feel intelligent and advanced about attending such an institution… But today I wish to express that based on what I have experienced from being here for a month, this school should be renamed U-TEK…the University of TEK-nology… if these people know how to do anything good, it is to dry out pocket… if you have a lab, and have no lab coat, you gotta pay $100.00 to RENT a coat… PER LAB!!!!!!!! If you owe a 0.50cent for boarding fee, you won’t get clearance…dem wi rob out u eye… an’ dat nah shat!!! Or how about the University of TECHnical difficulties? Why the heck is it that when light goes away, the whole university deh pon lockdown?
Do these people know the meaning of the word generator…?
..oh well… at least now I’ve only got 3 years, 7 months, 3 weeks and twelve or so hours and a few seconds left in this jacked up place…